Great one as always, Gary, esp. the last 3 paragraphs, but to beat Seamus to the punch, I will do something I don't often do and that is to refer to something in the New Testament, specifically Ephesians Chapt. 6, verse 12: https://biblehub.com/ephesians/6-12.htm

It's a shame that's it's now politically incorrect to refer to the NT, but there is a lot of wisdom there, and the thing is, regarding the "Divide and Rule" of the Elite on this planet, it has such a long history that precedes even the modern banking system and bankers that one must go even deeper in trying to find the source(s) of it, although you're clearly right that "the demented, maniacal, psychopathic banking parasites ... have hijacked the world."

Anyway, back to the current evil lot, I do think that article by Iain Davis from the 22nd hits the head of this nail also: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/02/investigative-reports/technocracy-the-operating-system-for-the-new-international-rules-based-order-1/

Also this is good, albeit it has some flaws, but overall is spot-on: https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/all-wars-are-bankers-wars/

There's also a great book I highly recommend by a relatively unknown Irish guy, titled "The Covid-19 Illusion" which goes into greater detail on this subject, e.g. Chapter 4 "The Illusion of Random Events". Hopefully this will become a classic eventually; it is already in my mind.

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Lol, @ your last paragraph.......please tell me that was a plug for Gary? It's a great book btw.As for beating me to the punch...I'm glad others see it also,the second seal being opened I think.

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But of course, although later I wanted to change the wording to "an unfortunately relatively unknown ...". :)

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And just like that, covid-19 is gone.

Thanks Gary for this.

Anyone that still watches the MSM at this point in time need to read or re-read 1984....and if they still don't get it,have someone read and explain it to them.

They believe this narrative because they are told to by their overlords or they won't receive their dopamine hits if they go against the grain.

I pray people will wake up,but as it stands now they love their servitude too much.

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All the megalomaniacs are getting exactly what they want:

What do you think?

Did you forget Biden is President?

Biden is weak? No Biden is a CORRUPT psychopath.

Biden is on the take

Biden took $1.5 billion or a lot more from China

Biden left $85 billion in Afghanistan for who? The Taliban to give to China or who else? What is Biden’s kickback? Remember 10% for the ‘big guy’ but now the ‘big guy’ is president, surely he gets a hell of a lot more than 10%.

How much did Biden take from Russia?

How much will Biden get from Russia by shutting down US pipelines, shutting down the Israel-Cyrpus-Europe pipeline, ok’ing the Nordstream pipeline, not shutting down energy from Russia after Russia invaded Ukraine and not reopening US pipelines and guess what?

in addition to billions in kickbacks from Russia, Putin invades Ukraine with Biden’s full consent and that also serves as Biden’s payback to the Ukrainians for double crossing Biden and working with Trump and exposing their dealings of Biden, Kerry, Pelosi, Romney, Obama, Clinton and their children and cronies and every other dirty Democrat and RINO involved?

Putin is a WEF member, even though WEF took down his bio, Putin wants to implement Klaus Schwab’s fourth industrial Revolution. Putin could have gotten rid of Schwab and Soros any time he wanted and he hasn’t.

This is the simplest reason and the most likely reason of all.

Remember Zelensky made a point of publicly burning records on Day 1 - that’s exactly what Biden and his cabal wanted to see. They are making Zelensky beg for his life and his families’ life. Zelensky wouldn’t take the US offer to fly him out because the US would make sure he was killed in flight - very easy to arrange.

In the end all the worlds’ megalomaniacs get exactly what they want and Ukrainians are screwed just like all of the little people world wide are screwed by the Globalist WEF Kakistocracy.

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I think it's more than that Pawsative,I think that this is all a push to cover (a) their crumbling covid narrative,(b) to implement what the covid narrative couldn't finish ie digital passports,food and fuel shortages,more travel restrictions etc.and (c) abject fear so that we can bow down to them....screwing more money out of us is always a plus for them.

As for Biden being president.....I am slowly coming to the point were I believe that Kissinger has been the real president for many years...don't ask me why I think this ...it's just a gut feeling.

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I believe it's a very accurate gut feeling Seamus. If you read over any of the books that were penned by people close to Trump when he was President - both critical and supportive books - most of them mention, mainly only in passing and not digging too deep into it, that Kissinger was pretty much part of the furniture in the White House when Trump was there. Jared Kushner idolizes him. Democrat or Republican, they all do what Kissinger tells them to do. So yes, I agree, Kissinger has been the President for a very, very long time.

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Agreed Gary & Seamus; and who is behind him? See this from 3 yrs. ago: https://humansbefree.com/2018/10/henry-kissinger-the-man-behind-eugenics-and-depopulation.html

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The same entities behind every war,(that we are aware of) from at least the French Revolution,and they are not finished quite yet.They are probably (my thoughts) trying to move the Jewish population in Ukraine back to,what they consider their land,just as they did in WW2...they have been trying this for almost 100 years and it has been written about for longer (The Ultimate World Order by Robert Henry Williams)...before the anti-christ returns so that they will be "safe"....big mistake for them.

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Thanks Seamus; I found a PDF of it and am reading now. Also found the book it is centered on: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0xb4crOvCgTckNoWG51TFdweVU/view?resourcekey=0-_XXWwajmoMDqC01XcKqifQ but one at a time.

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The mob bosses always get revenge. Ukraine charged Biden with a Class A felony.

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The chances of that coming to fruition are probably very low...or may just be part of their plans that we cannot see just yet.

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Outrage does indeed inhibit reflection. This is a crucial insight on the way to recognizing the world around for what it is instead of for what we think (for whatever reason) it should be. Curiously however, at the same time, outrage is sometimes the spark needed to get people to start thinking for themselves.

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Unfortunately the only outrage seems to be aimed at the unvaccinated, whoever sees through the NATO/Ukraine/Russia "war",and whatever this weeks cause MSM tells the watchers to direct it towards....and as we have seen,misdirection works.Good old divide and conquer has rarely if ever failed,and the parasites behind the curtain will continue to use it because we are "so smart" that it couldn't possibly be that simple of a tactic.I mean we are the smartest people ever to have graced this earth.....right? I think Rob Skiba said it best when he said that we are a copy of a copy of a copy etc. And as such we are the dumbest people to have walked this earth.

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Well said Seamus. We are led to believe, wrongly, that we have reached the very top of human intelligence. No other civilisation was ever as advanced as we are, they tell us. Whereas that may be true technologically, on a deeper level it's inaccurate. Your average, modern day man stood next to a man from ancient times, one from the Ancient Greek or Roman civilisations for example, wouldn't have a look in. In fact, I would say the dumbing down that's occured in even just one generation is so intense, the intelligence and wisdom of our grandfathers was far superior to whatever poses as intelligence and wisdom today. It's a world apart. Common sense was the first thing to go. The same technology we boast about is, of course, partly the cause of this. Ask someone to recite facts or figures nowadays, without them reaching for their phone to look on Wikipedia or Google. You'll be hard pressed.

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My rule of thumb is this Gary,every civilization has left works of art or/and writings on buildings,cave walls or rocks....our civilization draws a penis.That's the height of our intelligence.

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The Spike on O'Connell Street, Dublin comes to mind.

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What a lovely waste of money.I hear they're about to waste even more on the housing for the Ukrainians in Co.Meath,as our citizens die on the streets.

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Very good and most pertinent; thank you.

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If I didn’t meet a woman from Yemen five years ago, I wouldn’t have known about all the terrible things the United States, Saudi Arabia, Great Britain, and Israel to Yemen. She had a video of them raining down white phosphorus poison on them, which is illegal in all countries.

The woman who was screeching was not not an actress, believe me. It was only the type of screeching you can hear when the most sickening disaster happens. It was horrendous.

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Hey Gary...just checking to see if everything is alright your end?

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Hey Seamus,

Thanks for asking. Alright on my end. I have been dealing with the health-related emergency of a close family member the past couple of months and thus have not had a lot of time for writing. Thankfully things are coming back under control presently, so I'll get back to the blog soon. Appreciate you reaching out.


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No probs Gary,I pray all will be well with you all.Family are more important.

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Much appreciated. Thanks Seamus.

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