Feb 4, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Good points all, Gary, esp. that it's hard to give her & Hopkins any benefit of the doubt that they don't know better, since "The British government reports claim that the children are 52 times more likely to die following COVID vaccine." https://greatgameindia.com/children-die-covid-vaccine/ Granted, that report came out only a few weeks ago, but Ms. Limaye, being Indian, has to have known earlier of all the vax deaths that have occurred in India as a result of foreign NGOs running their trials on unsuspecting, vulnerable and poor women and children there:

https://greatgameindia.com/bill-gates-path-tribal-girls-india/ One can only assume that she is fully on board with the depopulation agenda of Gates and the W.H.O., et al. Maybe she started out as a naive young college student, but somewhere along the way, maybe after K.U. and at Geo. Washington Univ., or by the time she got to Johns Hopkins, where she got her Ph.D. in Behavioral Science, someone probably recruited her for a more ambitious career in guiding the masses to their unexpected deaths: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rupali-limaye-phd-823ab85

This whole campaign of using the psych techniques to manipulate the minds of the global populace to accept the death jabs is covered in the most recent Corbett Report also: https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-act/

Your points on the self-evident contradictions and hypocrisy are great ones though, and makes one wonder how much longer they can continue this charade, since even the MSM is allowing some of these reports to come out; but the mass hypnosis has set in, so it may take a while longer til the house of cards falls, since common logic seems to be on vacation, globally.

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

I think they are throwing everything out there now because they are in the process of initializing part 2 of their plans,ie. the second seal opening,the red horse of WAR (Ukraine/Russia etc.) and that is the reason for the msm suddenly running with the crowd.

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Absolute dirt bag bastards. Thanks Gary.

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Apr 2, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

I am always grateful to read an exposé of criminal élites, but I think this piece would have a great deal more credibility if the name of this extremely famous institution were not misspelled *throughout* ~ clearly not a typo.

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Johns Hopkins planning for the futuristic nearby future - SPARS pandemic: https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/Center-projects/completed-projects/spars-pandemic-scenario.html

Oh, lest I forget: The witch will burn.

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That's right Castigator. They were heavily involved in Event 201 also. During the plandemic their fake statistics were on every MSM channel, as they spread mass fear with fraudulent data. They need to be held accountable with Gates, Rockefeller, Imperial College and the rest of psychos.

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