Absolute bastards,no forgiveness for these cretins and their bosses, the Zionist "master race",race of effing liars......read "The Ultimate World Order:As Pictured in The Jewish Utopia' by Robert Henry Williams,especially page 21 where it states that "Our grandchildren must not be permitted to know that their ancestors came from Europe or anywhere but the holy land". Khazar's,like has been said then. Copyright was applied for in 1932,so well before WW2.

Brilliant piece btw (after my mini rant).

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Will look that book up. I haven't read it. Thanks for the heads up.

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There's a channel on Bitchute called 'New World Order Exposed' a guy called Rick Miracle reviews books (where I got this and a few others from) if you ant to see the review of the book I mentioned,it's here https://www.bitchute.com/video/8wNAD4ygRMGH/ .

It's not a long book either 74 pages,but he explains how it was put together from writings from over 2500 years,another couple of books that I found very good are,'Pawns in the Game' by William Guy Carr and 'Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300' by John Coleman,which kind of reads like a continuation of the 'Pawns in the Game' book,but more up to date.

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A sad, deeply sad, but brilliant article, Sir. Here in the USA, we’ve entered a stop-motion display of ridiculous contriving that can only realize one thing, the total loss of common sense and decency. While families and businesses are falling like sand castles into the encroaching tide of fascism, “professionals” and authorities are offering only madness clothed as solutions, and the Left and the Right continue to bicker, like playground bullies, for what desolate cement cultural territory remains, tightly bound by the media’s narrative. Few are willing to look for the real enemy, and fewer are willing to confront them, when exposed by the light of truth. Indeed, we’ve become the arbiters of our own impending demise, total in scope. I’m no longer hopeful, but resigned to a fate of Bolshevik subservience, under the control of some kind of reptilian mercilessness. May St Patrick grant us and Ireland mercy.

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