Aug 20, 2021Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

It's amazing and impressive how much ground you can cover in one article, Gary; and tie it all together in a coherent package.

Anyway, we used to wonder how the German people could go along with the Nazi regime, and now we're seeing it replayed in front of us. That treatment of Gemma O'Dougherty and John Waters for exposing the crimes of the hospital is unfortunately all too typical nowadays. It was sad to see how most of the commenters were attacking her; so brainwashed.

Your point that "there is no longer any sitting on the fence" is well taken and agreed upon. I used to have a doctor client who is an epidemiologist at various hospitals in Santa Monica and L.A., but I can no longer work for her. If she ever calls again, I'll have to ignore it and refuse to even to return the call.

I never foresaw that we would live to see these times, although we knew it would come eventually, given all that the elite have been telling us in advance. Strange days indeed.

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Aug 20, 2021Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Excellent piece Gary, so true...and yet this is only the beginning, the next manufactured distraction/lie is already upon us, and by that I mean Afghanistan....watch this https://www.bitchute.com/video/zKjW4cvzT8yk/

and take a closer look at the cockpit windows as it passes and as the light shines on them, you can clearly see they are painted/printed on, never mind the nice touch of 911 in reverse, 'Wag the Dog' comes to mind.

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Very interesting Seamus. An author by the name of John Carrion has done some incredible work on military deception operations and writes of the Ghost Rockets of Scandinavia in the 1940s, 1950s. They are referred to as 'deception paraphernalia', which is perhaps what we are looking at when we see the military plane leaving Afghanistan. Those windows certainly look painted, as you said.

Look up the books Anachronism and The Roswell Deception - both are free to download online and give a great insight into the workings of military covert tactics. Interesting read considering we are overdue a fake alien invasion as well.

Kit Knightly did a great write up on Afghanistan this week - https://off-guardian.org/2021/08/17/6-questions-we-need-to-ask-about-afghanistan/

It turns out that the US have not left Afghanistan at all, as the media would have you believe. Their interim administration is headed by a US citizen - https://www.globalresearch.ca/afghanistan-color-revolution-narcotics-opium-trade/5753335

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Kit's take was, I thought, excellent.

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Great piece by Kit Knightly,on the money I would think.

I have one extra thought on the Afghan 'move,if you read about the seventy weeks in Daniel 9,that's were I am in where this is going.I think prophecy is moving along quite nicely and they are moving their key pieces into place for that war.

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And thanks for the reading material,listening to '200 Years' atm it might be a while.

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Aug 19, 2021Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Excellent write up for which I thank you for. We have the same in the UK and I think time is running out for these scum; many of us have no patience or peaceful marches left in us ... seeing what they are doing to us, how could we.

It is time we and the Irish stood arm in arm and get rid of them all; if not, we will be the ones on the receiving end. No more - enough is enough !.

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Agreed Bob. This level of evil can no longer be allowed to run amok.

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Damn clicked on another link above and lost my post back to you. Have you got an email please ?, or anyway to contact you directly ?.

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I appreciated Gary's mostly righteous rant. I use material like this in my blog and in my (some 22 at this point) posters. I'm finishing my coffee right now here in Toronto, at 3:11am and will then head out into the night to staple up a huge batch, just as I did last night. I'm pretty sure that Gary knows that the vaccine isn't a vaccine, but just finds it easier to call it a vaccine. I think that that's a mistake, but that's my opinion. He referred to the supposed virus, once in the above article, and that's fine, especially as he didn't mention the virus, I think, more than once. I'm just saying that when I take an excerpt, I'd rather not have to add disclaimers to them. (for example: Gary thinks the covid injection is a vaccine. It isn't. Otherwise he's spot on.) I'm forced to do that with too many of my posters and blog posts, simply because most of those in my anti-covid 1984 camp embrace the lie (willingly or unkowingly) that Sars CoV 2 exists. That's only the FOUNDATION of the hoax. Embracing that lie 'will' render you less effective at pushback against this evil, destructive, criminal hoax.

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Gary knows it's all BS....you should read his book.

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That's good. I thought he might. I have read posts here before, but not many, as I am new to Gary's material. My point was that, as an activist and a blogger, I can better use written material that consistently tells it like it is. I understand stepping into their frame. That has its place. Jon Rappoport does it all the time, but he makes it clear that he's doing that when he does it. Most of the time. When I use an excerpt for a poster, for example, I don't want it to include language that makes it appear as though the author who I'm quoting agrees with the fascist authorities' narrative, even if I know that the author doesn't go along with the establishment narrative. If there's at least a qualification, then I'm saved the trouble of adding my own (when I can). Sometimes even alerts such as enclosing remarks ('vaccine' as opposed to vaccine) will do the trick.

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I get ya,it's getting more difficult as the time wears on to be sure of who to believe or not,they (controllers) have nearly every angle covered and own a hefty chunk of the resistance,but as I've said before they are a piece short no matter what they do. I believe I gave the wrong info before about it,I think I said Daniel,when it was Revelation 10,verse 4 in particular.

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There's lots in Revelation that I don't get and lots that I get. I used to be a Jehovah's Witness. They truly know the Bible well. Even so, I don't absolutely agree with them about everything. They have their explanations for much of Revelation, but they get so complicated and involve past deeds of members of that congregation, all which makes me pause since the Witnesses have, today, gone over to the dark side. If I couldn't figure out a lot of what they were talking about (when explaining Revelation) when I was with them, I'm not any more enlightened now, but I am also not terribly interested in understanding what they were talking about either.

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The only way around that is to read the books in their original language or use an interlinear.Things become much clearer when you do.

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To be clear, I use material (sometimes) from both authors and bloggers who push back against covid 1984 but accept some of the big lies (the existence of the Sars CoV 2 virus) and authors who push back against covid 1984 and don't accept any of the gene therapy fantasy, but who might use language that can lead casual readers to think that they do. (I am forced to use mostly material from authors in the first category, simply because there are virtually no authors in the second category who write blog posts and/or articles. Tom's written a wee bit. Jon Rappoport is the exception. He has written a lot and he uses language that is unambiguous and can't lead anyone to think that he thinks that there's a Sars CoV 2 virus.) And that's why I've tapped him extensively.) Andrew Kaufman and Tom Cowan are carless that way, but they are actually not terribly quotable simply because they don't write much. They do a lot of videos (and I have many excerpts of those on my Bitchute channel, which channel has almost 60,000 views) and their websites are not terribly useful. Andrew's website is minimally useful, not well organized (and includes a blog that isn't a blog) or easy on the eyes. And he is not on Bitchute or Odyssey. Yet, He's the person mainly responsible for my having learned that gene therapy is baloney.

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