Feb 15, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Thanks Gary,I had known some of the things that have happened in Germany,but not all.

You could be forgiven for thinking that someone has it in for the German people.They have been beaten down so much and have had such a number done on them over the years that it isn't funny.I believe also that this new "Reich" (the fourth industrial revolution,Klaus Schwab)is the fourth kingdom,from the book of Daniel,the prophecies are just rolling out now.

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Agreed with Seamus, as usual, and am glad you mentioned Austria, which is even worse than Germany as noted, at least re the vax mandates. I asked my Austrian neighbor this morning what he thought of his home country now, and he agreed they've regressed to full blown totalitarianism, "just like the good ole days", as he made the Nazi salute. But Canada ain't no beacon of liberty either, with that Declaration of Emergency yesterday whereby they can now freeze the bank accounts of anyone supporting the truckers in any way; talk about Draconian!

And all this while England, Ireland, Sweden et al. relax their restrictions, and the elite can go without wearing masks, or the football fans in the U.S., as on Sunday here in L.A.

Back to Germany and Austria though, they sure do seem to have a history of loving their overlords, at least in the last 150 years, and there are lots of contributing factors to that, but that's a book length subject. Good synopsis though, Gary; thanks.

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Maybe it has more to do with the fact that these vaccine companies have bases in Germany. And that 80 million people are no match for the arseholes.

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Good point, Rich, and no doubt those controlling vested interests have a lot of power, as they obviously do worldwide, but regarding Germany and Austria's history, see these articles: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_revolutions_of_1848%E2%80%931849 and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Peasants%27_War [forgive me for using Wiki; you can find the histories elsewhere also].

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I have studied history but mostly Greek & Roman with a bit of medieval British thrown in. Thanks for the links, I shall have a look. But I am of the view that mass psychosis is not really the answer to the questions that we have. Just a symptom of the real problem.

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