Oct 17, 2021Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Gleichschaltung means bringing into line by consolidating everything and eliminating opposition. Totalitarian systems force neutralization of society so that everyone falls in sync with the system. The definition of Gleichschaltung originates from an electrical power utility device called a rectifier because, metaphorically, a rectifier forces two-way alternating (electrical) current to fall into line as a one-way-only current. However, such unnatural contrivance has weakness - it can melt due to the heat from resistance.

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Nov 22, 2021Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Gleichschaltung means something like the military term "lock step" - also used in the 2010 report “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” https://www.nommeraadio.ee/meedia/pdf/RRS/Rockefeller%20Foundation.pdf by the Rockefeller Foundation.

There was a scenario called “lock step”, which outlined a 2012 pandemic caused by wild geese that killed eight million people in seven months, mostly young and healthy adults.

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Oct 17, 2021Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

The essence of automation (digitization) technology is decentralist in depth, just as the machine was centralist in its patterning of human relationships. ~McLuhan, Understanding Media 1964...Mechanization is achieved by fragmenting of any process and by putting the fragmented parts in a series. ~McLuhan, UM...It is the electric feedback, or dialogue pattern...that marks it off from the older mechanical principle of one-way movement. ~McLuhan, UM...Automation (digitization) is the invasion of the mechanical world by the instantaneous character of electricity. ~McLuhan, UM...Any process that approaches instant interrelation of a total field tends to raise itself to the level of conscious awareness.~McLuhan, UM...It is electric instantaneity that constitutes "organic unity" ~McLuhan, UM...At first, therefore, electric media merely followed the established patterns...~McLuhan, UM...Uniformly trained and homogenized citizenry, so necessary to a mechanized society, is becoming quite a problem to an automated (digitized) society. ~McLuhan, UM

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Oct 17, 2021Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Yes, thanks again Gary, this is a great piece; and if anyone were ever to doubt your point in it, you can also buttress the argument by referring them to an article on the GrayZone about NATO's Cognitive Warfare, which has this amazing admission from one of it's perpetrators: "Cognitive warfare is not only a fight against what we think, but it’s rather a fight against the way we think, if we can change the way people think,” he said. “It’s much more powerful and it goes way beyond the information [warfare] and psyops.”" https://thegrayzone.com/2021/10/08/nato-cognitive-warfare-brain/ "... way beyond psyops", indeed.

Fits right in with that last quote of Hitler's. Adolf would be proud of our 4th Reich. Unfortunately, Seamus is right on again, also.

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Oct 17, 2021Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Thanks for this Gary....it is going to get very dark before the Christ returns.

I watched something from the past earlier and to be honest,I must have forgotten a part of it,or didn't originally take it under my notice,(probably because at the time it sounded so fantastical). What I'm referring to is what Serge Monast said in 1993,whilst talking about operation blue beam,about 2 phase liquid crystal vaccines split in 2 which then reassembles when you receive the 2nd vaccine.Obviously they have a better system that liquid crystal now (graphene oxide),it shocks me how close he was,no wonder he 'died' from a heart attack a few years later.

Great stuff again Gary.

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Drawing parallels to NAZI Germany is natural and obvious, but it omits so many important details pertaining to the bigger picture.

Hitler's genealogy http://mileswmathis.com/hiller.pdf

The Beer Hall Putsch http://mileswmathis.com/putsch.pdf

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