Jan 14, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Thank you so much for calling these PoS’ out!! Soon as we were getting some breathing space that the Covid nightmare might dissipate and common sense would make a welcome return our grotesque MSM (UK) was on hand to bring it back front and centre. If you were for fascism and psychological abuse of humanity then they would champion you.

They are a truly sickening breed of “human” and I pray they get their comeuppance sooner rather than later.

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"If you were for fascism and psychological abuse of humanity then they would champion you." ???? - ME ?, What ?, hope I misinterpreted that.

If a social uprising did occur, the first things targeted should be the MSM, starting with the likes of the BBC - closed down for good.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

An uprising must (if it happens) be done correctly and not with anarchy,because that's what they want and have been pushing for,then the UN can deploy the chinese troops to quell any resistance,and they won't give a damn about your rights,soverign or otherwise.This play they are making has only 1 chance to get it right,I believe,and they haven't got all their pieces in place just yet.Like I said before,fight without violence,because it doesn't work (violence) as we have seen in other european countries,prayer and non-compliance is what we are called to do,know your rights and stick to them.

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Agree totally. When I stated "social uprising" it does not mean violence, although I for one am coming close. We need to turn our backs on them and make it clear that this is enough, no more. Somehow, ditch the smart phones, ignore the MSM, ignore and boycott the big corporation's across the board and source locally if possible. Silly things like that; violence should be the last resort although I am not confident that can be avoided... not the way it is going anyway.

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They (and we know who the they are) have been trying very hard to get a riot out of us,and if they do I think it will be game over for us,then they can send in the boot boys (UN) and it will probably be the Chinese who give neither a fook about anyone,especially their own people.The only thing governments can handle are mass unrest and riots,it will save them the bother of trying to inject us.......and when/if it comes down to it I will welcome a bullet,much better than the alternative.

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Looks like a great article, which I'll give my full attention to tonight Joe. Thanks. On quickly scanning over it I noticed, "there is a program to create a centralized global government, and China is refusing to cooperate with it." I can't imagine a statement that can be more wrong. China has been handed US tech via Israel for decades. The entire plan is to shift hegemony away from the US to China. The same people who are doing that are the same people who did 9/11, the Afghan and Iraq wars, the COVID scam, etc. They are also behind China's rise. Contrary to what the author says China in many ways IS the centralized global government. Thanks to Kissinger, the Rockefellers, Trump, Netanyahu and others, on behalf of the banking cartels, they are taking over the world. The problem is, many in the alt media have been pushing the pro-China, pro-Russia stance and promoting them as a lesser of two evils - either not realizing, or not letting on they know, that it's just more of the same. A New World Order led by the US does not sound very appetizing and none of us want it. But a multi-polar World Order under the Chinese, in my opinion, is a nightmare beyond belief. Thanks for the link.

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Gigolo Joe = LMAO; why didn't I think of that name ?. Not sure what happened to the link but I just get a blank screen, like I have been having all day with Canadian sites. F-knows what is happening, but I think I need a new VPN in the morning.

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I agree totally - well almost; not sure about the Chinese UN troops, but yes UN in general. I was into all this crap along time before most, certainly before the plandemic and I would call it the NWO at the time but there are still questions I have not got the answers for ... one (1) I covered before - are the elite split ?, but the second one (2) is why would they cut the population down so drastically, if it was all about greed, power, control ... people talking about reducing it to 500 million as on the Georgia Guild stones (or whatever they are called) does not fit with me; it makes no sense.

In many ways I am like you, I have made my peace, I even told my Son that I would rather die than have the jab PLUS at the risk of sounding like a bit of a knob; the fear campaign does not work on me and I seriously have no fear of them, that bullet option seems fine tome as well - but I will try and take one of them out first.

Just before I bugger off, I honestly do think that many of us, have somehow become aware of the much bigger picture of - this term they use "awakened" is quite apt really. Off, cheers.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Agreed with Seamus as usual, "Excellent piece Gary." I've read that the globalist elite started taking over control of the media over a century ago, but the roots of the issue go back much further of course, as the quote by Seamus indicates. There is a glimmer of hope still, with writers such as yourself and groups like this: https://www.icij.org/investigations/pandora-papers/pandora-papers-caps-off-2021-with-consequences-felt-around-the-globe/

Caitlin Johnstone has a new piece out which fits in with yours here also: https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2022/01/15/dont-underestimate-how-badly-the-powerful-need-control-of-online-speech/

I'm glad you're dedicated to the Truth and exposing lies, Gary. It serves all of humanity in these dark times, when telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

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Good video, important for people to know.

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Nice one Gary, but I still think there were some decent journalists about, before they brought in "Emergency Acts" for this plandemic; certainly at a local level.

The problem is that big Corpa owns mainstream media now and thus the journalists -democracy has been dead in this Country for decades, at best since Blair (devolution), but I would even go back to my once great Maggie Thatcher - who started selling the UK off to the Globalists - these UN agendas (WEF is but the curtain) has been going on and on - right under our nose for decades and like in the 1930s and 1940s - what is needed to convince the people - THE PRESS.

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Ahh yes, the press, 'the ministry of truth,' owned by the parasitic, self proclaimed rulers of this world,all working for their boss satan,all haters of mankind,all bought the serpents lie,all heading for damnation.

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When we thought it couldn't get any worse here's USA Today promoting paedophilia. Shocking!


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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

That is the whole point of LGBT, this, that and the other - to make "abnormal sex" both tolerable and acceptable ... not sure if you have it on your browser, but try it - type in "UK sexual age of consent" ... if I do that, in the top right I get a summary on the top right, saying .... READ CAREFULLY:

"Age of consent reform in the United Kingdom

Since the 1970s, a number of movements have taken place in the United Kingdom in favour of reforming or abolishing the age of consent, in support of children's rights, gay liberationism or, more recently, "as a means to avoid unwanted pregnancies, and sexually transmitted infections via education and health promotion".

More at Wikipedia

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Yes Bob. Anything that is depraved is promoted. Thankfully, if you look at USA Today's Twitter feed you'll see overwhelming outrage in the comments. This is a test to see how far they can go before it crosses the line. And they now see that no-one is in favour, nor will they accept this vile, sick, demonic shit. We all know the billionaire/ruling class are sick, mentally-disturbed freaks who abuse children. This is an example of the media doing their bidding for them. As usual.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Very astute in saying "This is a test to see how far they can go before it crosses the line." ... I believe that as well. Media = understood, but I ask you a question now in "Do you believe that the "billionaire/ruling class" are united ?" - strange question I know.

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Not strange at all Bob. It's a great question. In my opinion, they are divided on many, many issues. And there is plenty of infighting. However, despite that they are 100% united behind the main aspects of their agendas. It's similar to how, let's use as an example, salespeople or managers who are working for a corporation may experience plenty of backstabbing, betrayal, personal differences, etc. between them. However, when it comes to the deeper levels of business, such as turnover, profit and expansion they are 100% cohesive. They never differ on what they view as the most important aspects. Same with the ruling class. Whereas it is certainly splintered in many ways, they are always marching in full lockstep together with the main agendas, i.e, digital currency, surveillance, depopulation, transhumanism, etc. Another example that can be used is that of Himmer, Heydrich and Goring. Himmler and Heydrich despised Goring. Also, many high ranking Nazi's hated Hitler's secretary, Martin Bormann But they never disagreed on the core points, such as 'racial hygiene', 'Aryan supremacy', the 'New Order', etc.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

No surprise there,nor the push for cannibalism,they're trying to get all their christmasses together.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Yep, spot on.

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Excellent piece Gary.

Gemma O Doherty seems to do a fair bit also,but as is you have pointed out, jouralists will not bite the hand that feeds them,no matter how juicy the story is,and I don't see that changing anytime in the next decade,they walk in darkness.

Woe to those who call evil good

and good evil,

who put darkness for light

and light for darkness,

who put bitter for sweet

and sweet for bitter!

Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,

and shrewd in their own sight!

Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine,

and valiant men in mixing strong drink,

who acquit the guilty for a bribe,

and deprive the innocent of his right!

Isaiah 5:20-23

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"Judging by his reaction to the prospect of someone catching a flu that has a 99.97% survival rate..." There's no 'good' reason for you to say that. There's NO Sars CoV 2 virus.

"159 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever" by Christine Massey / https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/68-health-science-institutions-globally-all-failed-to-cite-even-1-record-of-sars-cov-2-purification-by-anyone-anywhere-ever/

"Conversations With Dr. Cowan & Friends| Ep 44: Christine Massey" / https://www.bitchute.com/video/fBN2S8mR6ipP/?_kx=

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watch this from La Quinta Columna https://www.bitchute.com/video/YSWRavKlVMf4/

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Jan 20, 2022·edited Jan 20, 2022

We romanticize journalism and look at the past through rose colored glasses, but "the news" was always the purview of whoever could afford the large capital investment of a printing press (Hearst was a gold mine owner turned paper man, expanding into news helped sell his product and expand his influence). The bulldog journalists of the golden age have turned out to be admitted OSS/CIA mockingbird assets.

Even Gary Webb is a limited hangout. Queen Elisabeth is a Webb. "Webb is a spook and his death was faked, but his central thesis is still true. Watered down and misdirected, but true" http://mileswmathis.com/brief.pdf


They're all related. Yes, that includes Hitler http://mileswmathis.com/hiller.pdf

Adolph wasn't even a German citizen. He lost the election (which he was ineligible for), yet Hindenburg *appointed* him as Chancellor- http://mileswmathis.com/putsch.pdf

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