Jan 18, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly


I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone,especially a woman,couldn't have this sorted in about an hour...foreign rapists jail for 25 years,no chance of parole,then deported to their country of origin when their 25 years is up,no appeals.pedos life sentence,no appeals etc.Natural born rapists,25 years and no chance of parole,appeals etc.lifetime on sex register with ankle bracelet.Same life sentence for natural born pedos,no chance of parole,no appeals.never breathing freah air again as a free man,women also (and I don't mean mentally disturbed men who believe they are women) they can go into a men's prison,and they can identify as incarcerated until the cows come home.

Shame on any official that use these situations for political gain....shame,something politicians do not have.

Thanks Gary for this.

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Agreed Seamus. I would add chemical castration for interfering with kids to be honest, which is carried out in some countries.


But, as I'm sure you know, the idea is to keep the criminals on the streets, so as to further the state of fear. A Strategy of Tension.

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Great point, Gary, as to the purpose of all this, i.e. Strategy of Tension. At the end of the Wiki article on that subject, it has this "In a BBC documentary on Gladio, the neo-fascist terrorist Vincenzo Vinciguerra reported that the stay-behind armies really did possess this strategy, stating that the state needed those terrorist attacks for the population to willingly turn to the state and ask for security." I have to wonder if that's not the reason behind MI5/6 and the FBI/CIA allowing that Paki guy to travel to Texas to cause some "terror" last weekend; otherwise it just doesn't make any sense.

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Absolutely Stan. These "Muslim terrorists" always seem to be connected to state security. Have a read of this in regards to the Barcelona 2017 attacks, for example:


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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

I wonder if this isn't a version of operation gladio?

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Jan 26, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

You bet your behind it is.

See: Serial Killers http://mileswmathis.com/bundy.pdf http://mileswmathis.com/bundy2.pdf

See: Campus Rape: http://mileswmathis.com/harpy.pdf http://mileswmathis.com/sebold.pdf

See: Legendary tales of women attacked in crowded cities with dozens of people ignoring her cries for help http://mileswmathis.com/kitty.pdf

See: Incredulous, symbolism-laiden stories of missing young women http://mileswmathis.com/gabby.pdf

See: Fake race wars http://mileswmathis.com/stage.pdf going back decades http://mileswmathis.com/panther.pdf http://mileswmathis.com/malc.pdf

As WTFU said, dividing people along every line possible. They found a system that worked and went with it. They can be creative, but they are thrifty, and seldom deviate from what works.

I'm still amazed at the state of Ireland though. Is it because it's so small? Is it generational punishment for being rebellious? Things aren't even this bad in the States, yet.

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Joe,It's probably because they have turned their backs to the Father and voted to murder their children,and are blinded by the shining one and it's lies...funny, after writing that down (the shining one) I now get why 'shiny' new gadgets are so craved for.

I think also because it's (Ireland) is so small that the people are easier to control and manipulate,also I don't think a lot of them consider themselves Irish but more European, (I'm open to correction if I'm wrong) and that's what the so-called world leaders want for everyone....Babylon 2.0,all run by the UN.

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Jan 18, 2022Liked by Wake TF Up Weekly

Thanks Gary, I did see that headline but didn't read it yet; will now. Also see:


Back to the topic of your article here, agreed with Seamus that it's heartbreaking they use women and kids as pawns in their games.

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The problem with that Gary is that although they cannot act on anything,they still have their vile thoughts.

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